How GSA avoids the risks associated with overseas treatments

As would-be parents wanting to begin their gender selection journey, many are left with questions and a major one is about the baby gender selection cost.

This is an important factor to take into account when you are looking at all the different steps and the time and effort involved in having a baby with the gender of your choice.

There is no need to fall into the trap of being overwhelmed when there is professional help available and a trusted team who can take you through all the steps involved in the process.

Many people choose the often drastic step of travelling to unknown places in Thailand, China, Singapore and even the Middle East for this highly specialised treatment. There are serious risks to your health and well-being as well as the heavy financial cost when things don’t go according to plan. 

These are unnecessary risks to undertake when there is a safe and proven way to be successful in your dream of choosing a baby of your chosen gender.

This is why it pays to talk to the experts at Gender Selection Australia.

 baby gender selection cost
The steps in IVF and gender selection

There are a number of factors at play when it comes to your chances of becoming pregnant and the likelihood of success through IVF treatments. You need to know that you are dealing with experts in fertility treatments and the highest levels of care are in place. This is where Gender Selection Australia stands out.

These days, IVF is a very normal and low risk procedure. This doesn’t mean that it is all easy and there can never be a guarantee that you will become pregnant through the process.

While the success rate depends on several important factors such as age, health and lifestyle, you also need to know that you are dealing with a team that has the necessary support, controls and ability to help you increase your chances of becoming pregnant.

The whole journey really starts with the initial consultation with your choice of team. 

Then you will undergo the initial testing stage to check your health and fertility history. Testing orders need to be made and this important process then determines the next step.

With the test results complete, you then have a one on one with your fertility specialist. Through GSA, you are able to consult with the well renowned, reproductive endocrinologist and infertility specialist, Dr Daniel A. Potter.

Commencing your treatment

Once you have consulted with Dr Potter and you understand the different stages of the process, it is time to begin the specialised treatment to help you realise your dream of a baby girl or boy.

In the 6 to 8 weeks before your egg retrieval date, Dr Potter’s Nurse Coordinator will provide you with a detailed schedule, a prescription for your medications and all the relevant information about your treatment. 

Commencement of your medications will commence approximately 10 days before you travel to Los Angeles in the U.S. for the stages of egg retrieval and embryo transfer.

There are a number of ultrasounds and other tests necessary throughout your pregnancy which you will be made aware of before treatment has begun.

This can all seem like a great deal of effort to go through, but GSA makes the process as smooth and easy as possible.

A fresh approach to parenthood 

Thanks to the success of Gender Selection Australia, there is a new way to savour the joys of parenthood. 

More Australian would-be parents choose to undergo this specialised IVF Australia treatment and give themselves the ability to choose the gender of their baby and balance their family to their specific needs.

This is an exciting way to realise your hopes of having the baby of your dreams.

You can reap the rewards of this highly effective and innovative approach to fertility.

The Gender Selection Australia difference

When you choose the path to parenthood with help from the experts at Gender Selection Australia, you will know all of the different costs up front and enjoy the special care and support from the trusted professionals. 

Choosing the preferred gender of your child is possible.

You can be one step closer to having the family you’ve always wished for.

You’ll get the specialist advice and support you need from the moment you contact us.

The only question you’ll be left asking is why you didn’t talk to us sooner.