Growing the GSA family. Another success story for Mother Denise & Baby Cleo.

IVF for baby girl

After finding out our second baby would be another boy, I was disheartened. Gender disappointment hit me hard, and it was very unexpected. I began to research methods of swaying a particular gender, which eventually led me to an IVF gender selection Facebook group based in America. Like most Australians, I was unaware gender selection through IVF […]

Sperm Sorting – What does it mean for choosing the gender of my baby?

gender selection australia

When undergoing the process of gender selection, families want to give themselves the very best chance of falling pregnant and holding their precious baby boy or girl in 9 months! PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Diagnosis) is a proven method for testing the embryos for gender but are there any other options to give families a greater […]